
You were abducted and experimented on by the mutants that live beneath the city. You escaped, and took one of their ray guns with you. They are still hunting for you.

In the real world, in the 1940s, Dick Shaver (his real name) reported being abducted by evil humanoid mutants living under the city though records show he was in a mental instituion at the time. He later published his accounts in the form of sci-fi stories.

Starting Gear

  • Radon sampling tube, photomultiplier tube, and alpha counter (#bulky)

What type of ray gun did you take?

Subterran ray guns have 3 charges, and can be recharged by exposing them to radioactive radon gas (typically found underground) for 24 hours. Your starting gear allows you to detect radon gas.

  1. Fear ray: Targets must make a WIL save or flee (d4 stress, #blast, #far).
  2. Guard ray: Projects a body-hugging force field (+1 AC)
  3. Medical probe: Can diagnose and treat most illnesses or injuries, but must be applied rectally. (heals d6 STR loss)
  4. Lifter ray: You may levitate 1 nearby item weighing less than 500 lbs, up to 10 feet off the ground.
  5. Sleeper ray: Targets must make a WIL save or fall asleep for d4 hours (d4 stress, #blast, #near).
  6. Spy ray: You can see through walls, dirt, clothing, etc. (#near)


You used to hunt bears, until the day you killed a sentient bear. When you wore its skin you transformed into a bear and murdered your loved ones in a fit of rage. Now you are a monster from Ojibe legend known as an otgont or bearwalker. Maybe you want to break the curse and redeem yourself, or maybe you revel in it and want to kill again.

In the real world, the bearwalker legend is described in Bloodstoppers and Bearwalkers by Richard Dorson.

Starting Bundle

  • Bearskin (+1 AC, bearwalk #focus)
  • Bearclaw necklace (#focus)

What can you do as a black bear? To use your bearwalking powers you must wear the focus for the power. Each focus occupies a body inventory slot. Your powers do not cost fatigue. You can aquire additional bearwalker powers by finding additional focus items during your explorations.

Bearwalk: You may change into a black bear at will, and your inventory transforms with you, but you take d4 stress. Transforming back into a human also causes d4 stress. Stability protects against this stress as normal. The more time you spend as a bear, the more bearlike your behavior becomes.

6 HP, 18 STR, 10 DEX, WIL does not change, claws (d6+d6, close)

  1. Berserk: Your first attack each combat is enhanced and gains the #blast tag.
  2. Climb: Falling damage against you is impaired.
  3. Critical Damage: Grab and bite target for d6 STR loss.
  4. Frighten: When you tranform into bear form, nearby enemies must make a morale check.
  5. Hibernate: You can get a full week’s rest by sleeping nonstop for 24 hours.
  6. Scent: You can track creatures and some objects by scent.


You are a sasquatch, commonly known as a bigfoot, a large, intelligent primate related to humans. Your kind have used their stealth and magical skills to move undetected through the forests for thousands of years. Now, you live in the Motor City, which is weird enough that half the time you don’t even have to hide.

In the real world, there have been bigfoot sightings in Detroit.

Starting Gear

  • Human disguise

What can you do as a bigfoot?

Your bigfoot powers reduce your maximum fatigue, occupying an inventory slot. Your powers can also be charged for an additional effect, at the cost of d4 stress. Stability protects against this stress as normal. You can learn more bigfoot powers by discovering bigfoot totems during your explorations.

All bigfeet have the following power:

Invisibility: When you hide, people can only see you if you fail a DEX save. Charge to actually turn invisible while standing still. When moving, a slight blur gives your position away (attacks against you are impaired, costs d4 stress, lasts 1 hour).

In addition, you have one power from the table below.

  1. Animal Friend: Animals will not attack you if you do not harm them. Charge to command animals.
  2. Big Feet: Powerful kick (d6, #close, crit dmg knockout). Charge to kick through most obstacles.
  3. Boulder Throw: You can throw heavy objects like cinder blocks (d6, #blast, #near). Charge to increase range to #far for one combat.
  4. Climbing: Falling damage against you is impaired. Charge to climb up sheer surfaces like a spider.
  5. Dumpster Dive: You are immune to ingested poisons. Charge to gain immunity to venom.
  6. Mule: You can carry bulky items in 1 inventory slot. Charge to perform a feat of superhuman lifting.


You have the ability, given to you by God, to stop bleeding and heal wounds in humans and animals. This is known as bloodstopping. You don’t have to be a Chrsitian or believe in God for your abilities to work.

In the real world, belief in bloodstopping is most common in the Ozarks, but it has also been reported in the Upper Penninsula of Michigan.

Starting Gear

  • Holy Bible (Bloodstop #focus)
  • Crucifix (#focus)

What can your blodstopping do?

Bloodstopping requires a ritual. The most common ritual is: you must face East and recite Ezekiel 16:6, also known as the blood verse: “And when I passed by thee, and saw thee polluted in thine own blood, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live; yea, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live.” Then touch the subject’s wound.

To use each ability, you must hold the focus for that ability in one of your hands while performing the ritual. Using an ability costs 1 fatigue. Using an ability under duress requires a WIL save, or something goes wrong. You can learn more bloodstopping abilities by finding holy books during your explorations.

Bloodstop: Stops internal bleeding and closes wounds, allowing someone to get up after taking critical damage. Charge to heal d6 STR loss.

In addition, you also have one of the abilities listed below.

  1. Cure Disease: Gives someone an extra save to overcome an acute disease (#close). Chronic conditions cannot be healed.
  2. Neutralize Poison: If used within 1 hour of being poisoned, neutralizes the effects of the poison or venom (#close). It cannot bring someone back from the dead.
  3. Remove Paralysis: Restores d6 DEX loss (#close).
  4. Remove Fear: Allows nearby NPCs to recover from a failed morale check or restores d6 WIL loss (#near).
  5. Remove Fatigue: Cause fatigue to yourself to remove it from someone else on a 1-for-1 basis (#close).
  6. Soothe Hunger & Thirst: Removes deprivation caused by hunger or thirst (#close).


Your body has been enhanced with electronics and machinery by a government agency or drug cartel. The cybernetics give you amazing abilities, but you require a constant supply of alchemical anti-rejection drugs. This leaves you beholden to the CIA, the Sinaloa cartel, or some other organization to maintain a supply of the potions.

Starting Gear

  • Anti-rejection potions (focus)

What is your cybernetic enhancement?

Cybernetic enhancements take up a permanent inventory slot, and cannot be dropped or stolen, though they can be damaged. They can also be charged at the cost of 1 fatigue, granting them an extra bonus.

  1. Cyberarms: 1d6 unarmed damage. If you have 2 free hands you can attack twice for d6+d6. Charge for a 1d10 punch that breaks through obstacles.
  2. Cybereyes: You can see heat sources and in low light. Charge to emit x-rays and see through non-metallic surfaces (#near).
  3. Cyberlegs: Falling damage against you is impaired. Charge to launch yourself 20ft into the air.
  4. Computer Interface: You can plug into a computer and control it with your mind. Charge to remotely control a computer (#far).
  5. Dermal Plating: Self-healing plastic plates embedded in your skin give you +1 AC (max 3). Charge to repair d4 STR loss to yourself.
  6. Wired Reflexes: You always pass your DEX save on the first round of combat. Charge to gain an extra action in combat.


In the same way that ancient bards could create magic with their music, you create magic with your mixes. Techno raves in Detroit’s abandoned factories were popular back in the 80s and early 90s, but they died out as hip-hop conquered the world. Still, many DJs soldier on, making their magical mixes and hoping to hit it big in Europe.

Starting Gear

  • 3 vinyl single records (#focus, #petty)
  • Portable turntable and tape recorder (#bulky, #focus)

What tracks have you mixed?

To use DJ magic, you require bulky DJ gear. This gear does not require electricity or speakers - the music is generated magically. You also have a number of vinyl record singles. You start with one effect track, one element track, and one form track. Because your magic taps into the ley lines that criss-cross the city, the records are all tied to Detroit in some way.

To create a spell, take a short rest and combine two tracks in one of the patterns listed below. A spell mix is a petty item recorded on tape or burned to CD. Work with the Guide to determine exactly what the spell does. You can even recombine the same tracks to create a new mix with a different effect. You can expand your library of records and mixes by finding new new ones during your explorations.

  • Effect + Element
  • Effect + Form
  • Element + Form

Example: If you kow Avenging, Light, and Sphere, you can create the following mixes:

  • Avenging Light
  • Avenging Sphere
  • Light Sphere

Effect (d6)

  1. DJ Godfather - Scooby Snacks: Avenging
  2. Inner City - Good Life: Banishing
  3. Juan Atkins - Track 10: Bewildering
  4. Model 500 - No UFO’s: Blinding
  5. Rhythm Is Rhythm - Strings Of Life: Charming
  6. Underground Resistance - Punisher: Communicating

Element (d6)

  1. Aretha Franklin - Respect: Light
  2. Barrett Strong - Money: Cold
  3. The Contours - Do You Love Me: Fog
  4. Edwin Starr - War: Fire
  5. Martha & the Vandellas - Nowhere to Run: Darkness
  6. Stevie Wonder - Superstition: Sound

Form (d6)

  1. The Bob Seger System - Ramblin’ Gamblin’ Man: Sphere
  2. Iggy & The Stooges - Search and Destroy: Dance
  3. John Lee Hooker - Boogie Chillen: Circle
  4. The MC5 - Motor City is Burning: Cube
  5. Was (Not Was) - Hello Dad, I’m in Jail: Song
  6. The White Stripes - Fell in Love With a Girl: Cone


When the French settled Detroit, they untionally brought along the loup-garou, commonly known as werewolves, people who survived being bitten by a werewolf and now become werewolves themselves. As wolves were hunted to near-extinction in Michigan, the loup-garou curse changed over time. Now werewolves transform into fearsome human-dog hybrids, known as dogmen, or to use the gender-neutral term, dog-kin.

Starting Gear

  • Wolvesbane to prevent you from changing during the full moon (poisonous, causes d6 STR loss).

What power do you have in dogman form?

Your dogman powers reduce your maximum fatigue, each occupying an inventory slot. Some of your powers also cause you to take stress. Stability protects against this stress as normal.

Hybrid Form: You can change into a dogman at will at a cost of d4 stress, you can also return to human form at a cost of d4 stress. Under the light of a full moon, you auotmatically change, lose control and attempt to harm your crew, companions, connections, or contacts.

6 HP, 14 STR, 14 DEX, WIL does not change, bite (d8, #close)

In addition, you gain one of the following powers:

  1. Claws: Your claws can be used as weapons and combined with your bite attack (d6+d6+d8).
  2. Dog Form: In addition to becoming a human-dog hybrid, you can take the form of a normal dog, usually a pit bull (cost d4 stress).
  3. Howl: Your howl causes fear, and anyone nearby who hears it must make a morale check (cost d4 stress, #far).
  4. Resistance: Mundane weapons are impaired against you, but weapons made of silver are enhanced. Fire, magic, and animal attacks do normal damage against you.
  5. Scent: You can track creatures and some objects by scent.
  6. Summon Feral Dogs: A detachment of vicious dogs is drawn to your location, and is under your control (cost d4 stress).

Drug Alchemist

You know how to make magical drugs, using a modern combination of alchemy, herbalism, and chemistry. You might be an independent dealer, or you might be affiliated with a gang or cartel.

Starting Gear

  • Drug components (#petty)
  • Portable DRUG lab (#bulky, #focus)

What magical drugs can you make?

You can make a drug during a short rest if you have an alchemy lab and the correct reagents. Making a drug costs 1 fatigue. You can learn to make more drugs by discovering the correct collection of components.



You were exposed to radition or a teratogen that caused you to develop a weird mutation. Your mutation visibly marks and isolates you. You might just be an eccentric recluse, or you might be a cannibalistic serial killer.

Starting Gear

  • Human disguise

What mutation did you develop?

Your mutation causes 1 point of permament fatigue, canceling out one of your inventory slots. Each one has a free effect, and can also be charged (cost 1 fatigue) for an additional effect. You can gain additional mutations by exposure to radiation or teratogens during your explorations.

  1. Gills: Gills extending the length of your back allow you to breathe underwater. Charge to enhance on your underwater attacks for one combat.
  2. Fangs: Your teeth are tough and pointed, and your jaw strength is twice that of a normal human, giving you a bite attack (d6, #close). Charge to increase damage to d8 for one combat.
  3. Venom : You can make a venomous bite attack (d6, #close, crit dmg #blind). Charge to spit venom (d6, #near, crit dmg #blind). Your skin looks a bit scaly.
  4. Spines: Porcupine-like quills extend from your body, piercing your clothing. Close attackers take d4 damage. Charge to increase damage to d8 for one combat.
  5. Thermographic Vision: Your eyes glow red, and you can see heat signitures of #near creatures. Charge to increase distance to #far.
  6. Cannibal Metabolism: You have weird looking tumors that heal you, but you must eat human flesh to fuel them. Heal d6 STR loss by eating human flesh, max 1/day. Charge to increase healing to d8 STR.


Most forms of magic have elaborate rituals and components required to invoke miracles, summon spirits, or channel the powers of the universe, but you have moved beyond all that. Your power comes from your own body, mind, and soul. Your powers may be not be flashy, but they are yours.

In the real world, self-professed psychics, like in many other cities, are common in Detroit.

Starting Gear

  • Quartz crystal (#focus, #petty)

What is your psychic power?

Psychic powers cost 1 fatigue, but do not require words or gestures, nor do they require you to hold your focus.

  1. Clairvoyance: Observe a single location you have been to before, as if present.
  2. Precognition: You can sense the outcome of future events. When you are about to attempt a risky action requiring a save, make the save in advance. If you fail the save, you can choose not to attempt the action.
  3. Premonition: You can sense nearby danger, and cannot be surprised.
  4. Psychometry: Obtain information about a person or an object by touch.
  5. Retrocognition: Observe past events that happened in your current location.
  6. Telepathy: You can mentally communicate with anyone nearby.


You are an aspiring rapper, but you are confident you will make it big someday. Like the skalds of old who sang tales of great battles and powerful kings, your rhymes of urban struggle, gang life, and wealth are capable of powerful magic.

Starting Gear

  • Microphone (#focus)

What do your rhymes do?

Rap magic requires rhyming couplets. . You start off knowing one magical rhyme. If you actually write out your rhymes, you can roll twice. You can learn more rhymes by discovering them during your explorations.

  1. Animals die (WIL save to avoid, #far)
  2. The Death Car appears (luxury, stinks of death, lasts until next sunrise/sunset)
  3. People vanish (WIL save to avoid, #near, lasts for 1 hour)
  4. Turn wine to blood, or blood to wine
  5. Mass slumber (WIL save to avoid, #far)
  6. An automatic weapon appears (d10, #auto, #blast, #far)


When people in Weird Detroit aare murdered, they are often guided to the land of the dead by a spirit crow. You were murdered, but you died failing to protect your loved ones, so the crow brought you back as an undead creature to seek justice… or revenge.

How has undeath changed you? You are accompanied by a spirit crow, the supernatural being that brought you back from the dead.

Spirit Crow

6 HP, 3 AC, 3 Stability, 10 STR, 14 DEX, 14 WIL, spectral touch (d6, #close, crit dmg blinds target)

  • The crow occupies an inventory slot.
  • It must stay #near you at all times, or your powers stop working.
  • If the crow “dies”, it is banished to the spirit world until the next sunset, and your powers stop working until it returns.

In addition, you have one of the powers listed below. Each power takes up an inventory slot, reducing your maximum fatigue. You can gain additional powers during your explorations by gaining justice or revenge against a violent criminal.

  1. After the Flesh: You heal d4 STR loss after a short rest.
  2. Burn: You can purge mind or body-altering substances from someone with a touch, including tobacco, alcohol, prescription drugs, illegal drugs, etc.
  3. Dead Souls: If you fail a critical damage save, you are only knocked down, and can get back up on your next turn.
  4. Ghostrider: You can see through the eyes of your spirit crow, and can command it to attack your enemies.
  5. It Can’t Rain all the Time: Unless your enemies take a turn to “finish you off”, you are not killed when reduced to 0 HP. On your next turn, you heal to 1 HP, and can get back up again.
  6. Time Baby: By touching someone else’s eyelids, you can experience that person’s memories. If they are unwilling, they get a WIL save.


Unlike Vodou, which is a religion, root work, also known as Hoodoo or Conjure, is a set of magical and spiritual practices, and more influenced by Protestantism than Catholicism. Root workers use potions, oils, and candles to achive magical effects. Root work is normally associated with the deep south, but during the boom years of the auto industry, many southern African Americans traveled north for work, and brought Hoodoo with them.

Starting Gear

  • Mojo bag (#focus, #petty)
  • Candles, conjure oil/powders, incense (#focus)

What spell do you know?

You can cast Hoodoo spells. These spells require a short rest to perform (cost 1 fatigue), and last until the condition specified in the spell description.

  1. Love: Improve reaction rolls by one category until the next sunrise or sunset.
  2. Luck: You automatically pass your next saving throw.
  3. Money: You will find 2d6 x $10 before the next sunrise or sunset.
  4. Protection: In the next combat, attacks against you are impaired.
  5. Strength: Make critical damage saves before you take STR loss until the next sunrise or sunset.
  6. Victory: In the next combat, your attacks are enhanced.

Ruin Photographer

You take photos of Detroit’s weird abandoned buildings. You do this because you can sell photographic prints and you can post them online and hopefully get a little recognition. More importantly, you enjoy it. You like exploring, having adventures, facing your fears, and overcoming them. You enjoy it so much, that your enthusiasm turned your old camera into an artifact. You have a fancy new camera now, so you save the old one for when you really need it.

Starting Gear

  • Analog camera (#focus)
  • Film (#focus, #petty)

What power does your camera have?

Your camera is an artifact, but does not have charges. Some abilities can be used at-will, others cause fatigue.

  1. Postcognition: Your photos show emotionally impactful past events.
  2. Precognition: Your photos show potential future events.
  3. Spirit Prison: If you take a photo of a spirit, it must make a WIL save or be imprisoned in the photo. It may communicate with anyone viewing the photo, and must bargain for its release.
  4. Steal Souls: When you take photos of people, you steal parts of their souls (d6 stress, blast, far, cost 1 fatigue).
  5. True Sight: Your photos reveal ghosts, illusions, invisiblity, and shapechangers.
  6. X-Ray: Your photos can see through walls (cost 1 fatigue).


You are a spellchaser, also known as a witch doctor, knowledgable in the slavic arts of spellbreaking and magical protection. In Weird Detroit, this training is mostly found amongst western slavs (Poles), southern slavs (Bulgarians/Macedonians), and eastern slavs (Russians). The slavic word for spell-chaser varies by language, but most people use the Russian колдунья, roughly pronounced “koldunya” (feminine) or “koldun” (masculine).

Normally, these arts are passed down within a family from grandmother to granddaughter, but can go to a grandson or even an unrelated learner if there is no grandaughter.

Starting Gear

  • Broom whisk (#focus)
  • Bread, oil, incense, herbs (#focus, #petty)

What spell do you know?

You know how to cast one of the spells listed below. Casting a spell costs 1 fatigue.

  1. Banish: A nearby spirit (demon, elmental, faerie, or ghost) must make a WIL save or return to its own plane.
  2. Counterspell: If magical effect targets you or a nearby ally, you can cancel the effect (cost 1 fatigue).
  3. Dispel Magic: You can break ongoing magical spells or temporarily suppress the drawbacks of an artifact.
  4. Protection from Magic: Create an iron protective amulet. The person who wears it is immune to the next harmful magical effect used against them. The amulet then loses its power.
  5. Protection from Spirits: Draw a 10-foot circle on the floor or ground. Spirits, including demons, dragons, faeries, and ghosts, cannot cross it.
  6. Remove Curse: You can remove magical curses and harmful conditions, including blindness, deafness, poison, and disease.


Spiritualists, also known as mediums, communicate with hyperdimensional entities like angels, ghosts, and demons. You have developed this ability, and can use it to gather information about the past and future, or obtain spiritual enlightenment.

In the real world, in the 1800s, spiritualism was popular in rural Michigan. However, it fell out of favor in the early part of the 20th century as skeptics provided evidence that the trappings of spiritualism like seances, channeling, and automatic writing were all hoaxes.

Starting Gear

  • Crystal ball (#focus)

What ritual do you know?

Spiritualist rituals require at least a short rest, and cost 1 fatigue.

  1. Channeling: Allow a known spirit to possess you directly and control your body. You can end the possession at any time.
  2. Necromancy: Summon a ghost from a nearby corpse that has been dead for less than 40 days, and converse with it.
  3. Seance: Contact a known spirit, and communicate with it telepathically.
  4. Thoughtography: Impress photo-realistic images onto a surface using your mind or the mind of a known spirit.
  5. Witnessing: Contact a random spirit and receive visions of a possible future.
  6. Xenoglossy: Summon a spirit that knows a language of your choice, allowing you to understand, speak, readm, and write it.

Street Racer

You are into illegal street racing. This is most common on the West side of Detroit, where you can easily slip into neighboring towns to evade the cops. More importantly, you have an artifact that enhances your ride.

Starting Gear

What artifact is attached to your ride?

If something bad happens to your car, you can detach the artifact and put it on a new vehicle.

  1. Hudson Hornet Nameplate, 1955: 3 charges. When your ride is damaged, a swarm of hornets magically appears and retailiates against the attacker, even if they are in another car with the windows rolled up. 6 HP, 6 STR, 14 DEX, 8 WIL, sting (d6), detachment. Recharge: Put the nameplate in a hornet’s nest overnight.
  2. Lalique “Faucon” Falcon Hood Ornament, 1925-1935: 3 charges. A falcon appears above your ride. You can command it to scout your surroundings, and see through its eyes. HP 2, 6 STR, 14 DEX, 3 WIL, talon (d4). Swoop: On a surprise attack, damage is enhanced. Recharge: Leave the ornament in a hawk’s nest overnight.
  3. Masonic Emblem Radiator Cap, circa 1920: 3 charges. For the next 8 hours, when parked, your ride and anyone in it is invisible. When you are in gear, a faint shimmer gives your location away. Recharge: Pay to park it in a garage overnight.
  4. MG Emblem, 1970-1972: Each day at sunrise your ride is magically repaired for d4 STR loss.
  5. Minerva Hood Ornament, circa 1925: When attacked, Minerva’s shield appears above your ride, and it gets +1 AC.
  6. Warn-O-Meter Motometer & Radiator Cap, circa 1923: Fire damage against your ride is impaired, and it cannot catch fire.


You are a street artist, also known as a graf artist or tagger.

Starting Gear

  • Stencils, spray paint, painters tape, etc. (#focus)

What does your tag do?

  1. Arson: Wall tag. At the start of the next watch, the tag summons a fire elemental that sets fire to the building.
  2. Earthquake: Street tag. At a day and time of your choosing, the ground near the tag begins shaking violently. Creatures take d6 blast damage. Structures may collapse.
  3. Nightmares: Doorway tag, triggered by walking through. Target has a terrifying vision, which causes deprivation, and has nightmares each night until the target makes a WIL save.
  4. Pit: Ground or floor tag, triggered by 100 lbs of weight. A circular pit 10ft in diameter and 10ft deep opens in the ground (d6 DEX loss).
  5. Power Surge: Wall tag. Paint next to a building’s electric meter. At the start of the next watch, the power shorts out.
  6. Secret Door: Door tag, paint on a fire exit. The door magically blends into the wall, but you can see it normally.


You are from the underground empire of Subterra, but you are not a degenerate mutant, you are a variform, a genetically engineered hybrid of a human and some other mammal. You have been sent to the surface world to hunt down mutants, unfortunately you need a disguise to blend in becasuse you look a bit like a furry. Good luck.

In the real world, Richard Shaver described variforms in his series of sci-fi stories known as the Shaver Mysteries, which partially take place in tunnels and caverns below the city of Detroit.

Starting Gear

  • Human disguise

What animal DNA do you have?

As a Subterran, you suffer d4 STR loss for every day spent in sunlight. You do not take damage if you are in the light for less than 1 hour.

  1. Deer: You can move two range bands in a single turn (cost 1 fatigue).
  2. Fox: People react favorably to you. When an NPC meets you, roll 3 dice for reaction, and take the best 2.
  3. Otter: Your swimming speed is doubled (2 range bands per turn). You can also hold your breath for up to 8 minutes (cost 1 fatigue).
  4. Rabbit: You can jump 20 ft into the air (cost 1 fatigue).
  5. Squirrel: Falling damage against you is impaired.
  6. Weasel: You have a bite attack (d6, close).

These Subterran devices have 3 charges each, and can be recharged by exposing them to radioactive radon gas (typically found underground) for 24 hours.


You are a witch, trained in the slavic magical arts of curses and demon summoning. In Odd Detroit, this training is mostly found amongst western slavs (Poles), southern slavs (Bulgarians), and eastern slavs (Russians). The slavic word for witch varies by language, but most people use the Russian Ведьма, roughly pronounced “vetchma” (feminine) or “vetch” (masculine).

Starting Gear

  • Black cat, cauldron, skull, or spellbook (#focus)
  • Black yarn, blood, bones, raven feathers, etc. (#focus, #petty)

What spell do you know?

Normally, these forbidden arts are passed down within a family from grandmother to granddaughter, but can go to a grandson or even an unrelated learner if there is no grandaughter. Witchcraft spells cost 1 fatigue, and can be cast in a single turn, but doing so requires a WIL save or the spell does not work as intended.

  1. Cause Disease: Cause an animal or person to contract a viral or bacterial infection. You must have a blood or tissue sample of the specific virus or bacteria on hand, and you must see the target or have a contagion link (hair, nails, clothing) to them.
  2. Evil Eye: Cause d8 WIL loss to a narby target who meets your gaze (WIL save to avoid).
  3. Fear: Your enemies must make a morale check (#far).
  4. Poison: Posion a person or animal. You must have a sample of the specific poison on hand, and must see the target or have a contagion link (hair, nails, clothing) to them.
  5. Summon Demon: You can summon a demon if you know its true name. When you learn this spell, you learn 1 true name. You can learn more from other witches, or find them in spellbooks. The demon is not compelled to obey you, but is interested in signing a contract for its services.
  6. Wither: Cause all plants in the neighborhood to immediately wilt. The plants will all die at the next sunset unless the spell is broken. If used on a plant cryptid, it causes d12 damage.