Originally copied from https://wiki.sunbeam.city/doku.php?id=solarpunk on 04/30/2022

  • Adventures in New America - From creators of Night Vale, a queer Afro-Futuristic buddy comedy.
  • Climate One - A podcast from California addressing climate change and it’s influence on energy, water, food, and politics
  • Future Perfect - Geared for effective altruists, Future Perfect explores what things we can do to exact the most good on the world.
  • The Impact - Looking at policy experiments around the world to see if they actually work
  • The Institute for Local Self Reliance - Three different podcasts are run by ILSR focusing on building strong and resilient towns
  • It’s Going Down - Every week, It’s Going Down produces both the IGDCAST, featuring interviews and discussions, and an audio analysis and roundup of resistance and headline news, all from an anarchist perspective, on This Is America.
  • Neighbour Science - The only podcast about political economy and anime.
  • The Shift Up Podcast - This podcast is biking-specific, and is a mix of advocacy, policy, and bike shop advice. It is particularly focused on making a more inclusive bike industry for women-identifying and trans people.
  • Solarpunk Press - Eleven different issues/episodes of solarpunk fiction available in both text and audio formats
  • Strong Towns - Another podcast focusing on building strong local communities regardless of your political background
  • Team Human - A diverse range of topics, promoting human connections, discussion and information spreading.
  • The War on Cars - Podcast about the epic, hundred years’ war between The Car and The City.
  • Welcome to Night Vale - A haunting fictional town where mysterious things always seem to happen, as narrated by your host, Cecil Baldwin.
  • Future Ecologies - “A podcast exploring the shape of our world through Ecology, Design, And Sound. Broadcasting from the Pacific Northwest, Future Ecologies is an ongoing series of stories about the land around us.”
  • For the Wild - “For The Wild is an anthology of the Anthropocene; focused on land based protection, co-liberation and intersectional storytelling rooted in a paradigm shift from human supremacy towards deep ecology.”