
Magic requires a focus. Foci are reusable objects like spellbooks, recorded music, magical symbols, and other items that you use to concentrate magical energy.

A focus contains a single spell and usually takes up one inventory slot. They cannot be created; they are created through chance interactions of magical energies, and must be found randomly.

Foci sometimes display unusual properties or limitations, such as producing a foul or unearthly smell when used, possessing an innate intelligence, or being legible only when held in moonlight.

Foci will attract the attention of those who seek the arcane power within, and it is considered dangerous to display them openly.


Tokens are single-use foci like potions, scrolls, and alchemical drugs. They do not take up an inventory slot, and they do not cause fatigue.

Casting Spells

Anyone can cast a spell by holding a focus, with both hands otherwise free, and performing an appropriate ritual. They must then add a Fatigue to inventory, occupying one slot. Given time and safety, PCs can enhance a spell’s impact (e.g., affecting multiple targets, increasing its power, etc.) without any additional cost.

If the PC is deprived or in danger, the Warden may require a PC to make a WIL save to avoid any ill-effects from casting the spell. Consequences of failure are on par with the intended effect, and may result in added Fatigue, the destruction of the Spellbook, injury, and even death. Some forms of magic, like tag magic and pharma magic, cannot be cast while in danger.