Here are some national or international-scale solarpunk-adjacent organizations worth working with or donating to.
Environmental activism
- By 2020 We Rise Up - A federation of European grassroots climate activism groups, working together to escalate climate action throughout 2019 before launching a full-scale uprising come 2020.
- Rising Tide: North America/United Kingdom/Australia/Ecuador/Finland - Occupations and blockades, among other actions, to oppose fossil fuels and protect the environment.
- Demand Utopia! - A libertarian municipalist organization which opposes fascism, takes direct action, and fights for liberation and the environment.
- Green Anti-Capitalist Front - An alliance united by a belief that capitalism is one of the core causes of the environmental crisis threatening us all, and that if we do not act soon the costs of that crisis will fall on the poor and powerless.
- Drawdown - “Project Drawdown is shifting the larger global conversation on climate change from ‘doom and gloom’ to a sense of opportunity, possibility, and hope for the future. We share climate solutions with the world through our best-selling book, public presentations, and content. We collaborate with media and non-profit partners to further spread our messages to global audiences.”
Community building
- Transition Network - Neighborhood-level organizing, projects, and development of resources (such as Repair Cafes, community gardens, and makerspaces) to build sustainable circular economies.
- Buy Nothing Project - Share your resources and your skills with your neighbors, with the ultimate goal being to buy nothing.
- Symbiosis - A network of community organizations across North America, building a democratic and ecological society from the ground up. Symbiosis is fighting for a better world by creating institutions of participatory democracy and the solidarity economy through community organizing, neighborhood by neighborhood, city by city.
- Shareable - A nonprofit that works to build the “sharing economy” and support common ownership by producing news and resources, as well as mapping out Sharing Cities and similar initiatives across the globe.
- Falling Fruit - Plant fruit trees and other edible plants in urban environments to help end food insecurity.
- Little Free Pantries - Build (or contribute to) a common box of nonperishable foods by the side of the road to combat food insecurity
- Food Not Lawns - Share skills, labour, and resources to promote urban farming.
- Communitere - A non-profit that builds makerspaces and provides other resources to promote independence and resilience in underserved, exploited, or disaster-struck areas.
- Project Entropy - An in-development initiative to build a traveling solarpunk makerspace on a boat and develop various open source designs as decided democratically by its community.
- Farm Garden - Community gardens in the UK
Collective bargaining
- Industrial Workers of the World - Join the one big union! Organize your workplace and fight for your rights as a worker. Also facilitates community self-defense, as well as anti-fascism and anti-racism, with the General Defense Committee.
- Debt Collective - Dispute your debt, organize debt strikes, and oppose the debt economy.
- International Workers Alliance - An international federation of anarcho-syndicalist labor unions and initiatives including the Confederación Nacional del Trabajo and Solidarity Federation.
- - The product of international co-operation, between platformist organizations and individuals including Zabalaza and the Workers Solidarity Movement, to further communication, discussion and debate within the global anarchist movement.
- Anarchist Federation - An international of Anarcho-Synthesist federations.
Mutual aid
- Food Not Bombs - Collect corporate food waste and prepare meals with and for people in your community. Read their guidebook, Hungry for Peace.
- Mutual Aid Disaster Relief - Community-focused aid and reconstruction to areas affected by disasters.
- Timebanking: United States/United Kingdom - Trade your time, labor, and skills with your neighbors without exchanging money.
- WeHaveRoom - Offer room in your house/on your land to those struck by disasters.
- Medic Wiki’s list of street medic organisations - Volunteers who provide first aid at protests and actions, and who train others to do the same.
- Pass It On Wiki Sometimes we throw things away, not because they’re no longer useful, but because they’re no longer useful to us. This wiki is for sharing details of organisations who will take and use the things we no longer need and put them to use again.
- Trustroots - Stay with Locals and Host Travelers
Racial justice
- Black Lives Matter - An international grassroots campaign fighting for freedom and justice for all black lives.
- Black Socialists of America - A coalition of anticapitalist, internationalist Black Americans who believe in the core principles of socialism as defined by Karl Marx.
- Indigenous Anarchist Federation - A group working to unite the unique anarchist struggle of Indigenous people in North America.
- Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation (UNPO) - An international membership organization established to facilitate the voices of unrepresented and marginalized nations and peoples worldwide.
- No More Deaths/No Más Muertes - Organizers along the southern US border who provide aid for migrants crossing the desert.